Use your dream time for deep soul renewal, healing and transformation. Since dreams are messages from our souls, what a great way to connect and renew!
The best way to “catch” your dreams is to write them in your Dream Journal immediately upon awakening. And, write how you feel! Feelings and first associations are important for your dream interpretation. Even fragments can hold a universe of information. A few quick notes are better than nothing! Note colors, sounds, voices, smells, and anything you recognize from your waking life! I find that the action of writing out my dreams usually gives me immediate insights.
If you want to break a “dream drought” – start a dream journal. Every morning write how you feel when you wake up. This sends a message to your soul that you want to remember your dreams and re-start that dialogue.
Carl Jung liked to “walk” his dreams by reflecting on them throughout the day and being alert to synchronicities for further clarification. Another of his techniques, “Active Imagination” can be used to re-write a dream, or an ending that you want to change or complete.
After you have written out your dream, write also what action you are going to take to honor the guidance of your dream. For example, write a poem or a story, make a drawing, or email the friend in your dream. It’s always good to research dream symbols in books and on the web, and just remember – only you can interpret your own dream symbols and stories!
Be creative with your journal! Your connections with your soul will be joyfully renewed!!!
From Maui Vision Magazine, Winter, 2019, by Lalénya L. Vann