Healing with Images
During these strange times, I encourage you to stay in LOVE, and SHINE YOUR LIGHTS!!!
Here’s how you can use some “Dream” time and practices to protect and heal:
Any IMAGE of yours – from a dream, a journey, a life experience, or your Imagination! Can be used for healing!!! Tarot cards also work! Hold the image in your mind, AS IF it is happening NOW!!! Feel the positive feelings of LOVE and Gratitude, as you hold the happy healthy image ! Send more Love and Gratitude into your heart, as you hold the image.
Your body does not differentiate between the “real” and the “imagined” Most of you know this from the power of positive thinking – the Law of Attraction! You can also transfer images to people who need them! You can also imagine walking into the Image, and have a journey for healing, protection or guidance!
So, take care of yourselves! Ask the helping spirits for protection and healing! They are always there for us!!
Wishing you sweet dreams, and may you remember them!!! (and write them in your journal!) Lalénya
Shamanic Drum Journeys
Shamanic Drum Journeys are also known as “Waking Dreams” and “Traveling with a Drum.” One relaxes into the repetitive percussion beat of a drum or rattle, and lets the sound carry them on a journey to other realities, worlds, and other dimensions. One can have experiences like night dreams, while being awake!
To begin, participants are given a guided meditation for their journey – a “map” to get started. As the drumming starts, one may pass through a veil, or go down a long dark tunnel, and come out in a magical garden, perhaps near a pool, or in a wooded glen. Then, one just stays relaxed, letting the drum carry them, as they explore and enjoy the experience! When the drum sounds the “Recall,” one returns to this reality. It’s safe, healing, and may provide a direct revelation of what one longs to know.
Some people have extraordinary experiences the first time, and others need to practice to relax, let go, open up and enjoy the journey. In some recent drum journey evenings with others, several people met their animal spirit totems, one man swam with whales, another woman visited her deceased grandmother. One can travel in time, heal past soul traumas, meet loved ones who have passed over, experience spontaneous healing and have insightful, wonderful adventures!
The name “Shaman” comes from the Tungus tribe in Siberia. Their Shamans called their drums their “horses,” and traveled on them to other realities to bring back healing and soul recovery for their tribe members. Today, individuals can travel with a drum to receive direct guidance for healing, forgiveness, soul recovery, and creative inspiration for themselves and others.
From Maui Vision Magazine, Spring, 2020, by Lalénya L. Vann
Soul Renewal with Dreams
Use your dream time for deep soul renewal, healing and transformation. Since dreams are messages from our souls, what a great way to connect and renew!
The best way to “catch” your dreams is to write them in your Dream Journal immediately upon awakening. And, write how you feel! Feelings and first associations are important for your dream interpretation. Even fragments can hold a universe of information. A few quick notes are better than nothing! Note colors, sounds, voices, smells, and anything you recognize from your waking life! I find that the action of writing out my dreams usually gives me immediate insights.
If you want to break a “dream drought” – start a dream journal. Every morning write how you feel when you wake up. This sends a message to your soul that you want to remember your dreams and re-start that dialogue.
Carl Jung liked to “walk” his dreams by reflecting on them throughout the day and being alert to synchronicities for further clarification. Another of his techniques, “Active Imagination” can be used to re-write a dream, or an ending that you want to change or complete.
After you have written out your dream, write also what action you are going to take to honor the guidance of your dream. For example, write a poem or a story, make a drawing, or email the friend in your dream. It’s always good to research dream symbols in books and on the web, and just remember – only you can interpret your own dream symbols and stories!
Be creative with your journal! Your connections with your soul will be joyfully renewed!!!
From Maui Vision Magazine, Winter, 2019, by Lalénya L. Vann
Gifts from Dreams
Since dreams are messages from our soul, why not ask for guidance on daily challenges, psychic and emotional wellbeing, relationships, or health issues? You have a private, personal oracle available to you every night! Go on a dream adventure and bring back gifts!
Before you go to sleep, Set an Intention – ask for guidance on your question or issue. You can write it in your dream journal, or on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow, or just say it out loud. In the morning, review your dream for answers in relation to your intention.
Another process one can use is called “Dream Transfer.” Your intention would be to ask for a dream about another person, a friend or loved one, to receive guidance for them. Once you review it in the morning, be mindful that it’s appropriate and helpful before you share it with them in a sensitive and diplomatic manner.
My dream teacher, Robert Moss shared a story about a woman whose mother was terrified of dying. She asked for a dream to help her mother, and received a lovely dream: Her mother went down a slide into a pool of water, where she was playing with a very handsome young man. When she shared the dream, her mother was fascinated with the young man! A few days later, she called her daughter, and said – “I know who the young man is – it’s my husband, your father, and he’s waiting over there, to welcome me after I die. Her fear of death had healed!
Our dreams reveal the secret wishes of our soul, offering gifts of help and guidance for ourselves, or to give to others.
“Waking Dreams and Trance Journeys”
What can we learn from the spiritual practices of Ancient Peoples, to guide us on our higher paths in today’s awakening world?
We receive excellent guidance from our spontaneous night dreams, and our “waking dreams”. Waking dreams are similar experiences to night dreams, in that you experience other realities, but you are awake. You are co-creating with spirit to have a direct experience in other realms. Shamanic-type drum journeys are one type of waking dream and trance journey. One is given a guided meditation to start you on the journey, and then the specific drumbeat carries you on an adventure!
“Ecstatic Trance Postures” provide another avenue for waking dreams and trance drum journeys. In Ecstatic Trance Postures (ETP), as taught by the Cuyamungue Institute, you will sit, stand, or lie in an ancient posture, which acts as the Portal for your Journey. The postures have been collected from ancient artifacts, carvings, sculptures and cave paintings. The oldest one is 32,000 years old!
A simple ceremony calls in and honors the spirits of the 7 directions, and provides protections. Then we sit quietly for 5 minutes, and then get into the posture. The drumming last for 15 minutes, enabling you to have direct experiences with spirits in alternate realities and worlds. ETP is held in a Sacred Circle, and is completely safe.
In addition to the direct experience of meeting spirit guides, teachers and ancestors, you may receive personal guidance for your life path, answers to questions, spontaneous healing, or just have fun playing with spirits (animals, angels, and more). It can be life changing!