Shamanic Drum Journeys are also known as “Waking Dreams” and “Traveling with a Drum.” One relaxes into the repetitive percussion beat of a drum or rattle, and lets the sound carry them on a journey to other realities, worlds, and other dimensions. One can have experiences like night dreams, while being awake!
To begin, participants are given a guided meditation for their journey – a “map” to get started. As the drumming starts, one may pass through a veil, or go down a long dark tunnel, and come out in a magical garden, perhaps near a pool, or in a wooded glen. Then, one just stays relaxed, letting the drum carry them, as they explore and enjoy the experience! When the drum sounds the “Recall,” one returns to this reality. It’s safe, healing, and may provide a direct revelation of what one longs to know.
Some people have extraordinary experiences the first time, and others need to practice to relax, let go, open up and enjoy the journey. In some recent drum journey evenings with others, several people met their animal spirit totems, one man swam with whales, another woman visited her deceased grandmother. One can travel in time, heal past soul traumas, meet loved ones who have passed over, experience spontaneous healing and have insightful, wonderful adventures!
The name “Shaman” comes from the Tungus tribe in Siberia. Their Shamans called their drums their “horses,” and traveled on them to other realities to bring back healing and soul recovery for their tribe members. Today, individuals can travel with a drum to receive direct guidance for healing, forgiveness, soul recovery, and creative inspiration for themselves and others.
From Maui Vision Magazine, Spring, 2020, by Lalénya L. Vann